[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Whether your spray job is over rough back country terrain or on a hi-rail truck, AgTerra’s SprayLogger provides highly accurate maps with both spray and no spray activity. Every job can be securely shared with customers, and detailed application reports are generated automatically. SprayLogger is the affordable way to meet pesticide application requirements with minimal training for personnel.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]With SprayLogger, your applicators will be able do more in less time. Every SprayLogger account is built upon our MapItFast system. This means your organization will not only have access to the reporting tools of SprayLogger, but also have the ability to utilize the many powerful features within MapItFast as well. From dispatching crews, filling timesheets, gathering an inventory of weeds, tracking drum usage and locations, to NPDES maps, forms and more, MapItfast allows users to integrate every aspect of a project into one location.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]For those looking to meet the requirements of BLM’s NISIMS (National Invasive Species Information Management System) program, AgTerra offers training and template forms for infestations and treatment that work within MapItFast. Spatial and tabular data collected by these forms can be integrated directly with the BLM’s NISIMS geodatabase. Because MapitFast is easy to use and can be used on lower-cost Android devices, AgTerra provides a time-and cost-effective alternative to the current method.

Keep an eye out as AgTerra prepares to release tools that will provide our production agriculture users with the ability to capture pesticide applications from producers and monitor re-entry intervals (REI) for fields. The technology is currently under beta test and will be released in time to meet the new revisions set forth under Worker Protection Standards (WPS) that must be met by January 2, 2017.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]